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These 3 Blood Tests Can Save Your Life

Ladies, Listen Up! Your Heart's Trying to Tell You Something (30 Years Early)

Alright, my fellow queens of hearts, gather 'round because I've got some tea to spill about keeping our tickers in tip-top shape. And no, it's not about that cute cardiologist down the street (though that's a heart-racer of a different kind).

The 411 on Your CVD

So, here's the scoop: some smarty-pants scientists just dropped a bombshell in the New England Journal of Medicine. Turns out, we've got a crystal ball for heart health, and it's been hiding in our blood this whole time!

The 3 Ninjas of Heart Tests

We're talking about the 3 ninjas of cardiovascular health that can give you some important dets about what’s happening in your heart:

  1. LDL Cholesterol (The OG Bad Boy)

  2. High-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (CRP) (The Drama Queen)

  3. Lipoprotein(a) (The Silent Assassin)

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Honey, I already get my cholesterol checked at my yearly physical, where I lie about how many glasses of wine I actually drink per week." But here's the kicker – that cholesterol test? It's just the tip of the iceberg, sweetie.

LDL Cholesterol: The OG Bad Boy

LDL is not all the buzz about being bad. When LDL is elevated and other markers like CRP, fasting glucose, fasting insulin and Hemoglobin A1c are elevated then we need to find out if it’s really a blood sugar issue, inflammatory response to damage elsewhere in the body (hint: common in the gut) or a recent dietary change like keto or carnivore. There’s a lot to unpack here that requires some sleuthing by your health care provider (better yet a functional medicine practitioner - like our office). 

CRP: The Drama Queen of Your Bloodstream

CRP is like that friend who always knows about the drama before it happens. It rises when there's inflammation in your body, which is like the pregame to the main event of heart disease. The high-sensitivity test (hs-CRP) is so good at gossip, it can spill the tea on your heart health years before you even feel a thing.

Lipoprotein(a): The Silent Assassin

Lp(a) is the ninja of lipoproteins. It's mostly genetic (thanks, Mom and Dad), and it's sneaky. High levels can lead to all sorts of cardiovascular mischief, from heart attacks to strokes. And get this – it's 70% to 90% determined by your genes. Talk about being born this way!

The Study That Spilled the Tea

So these researchers followed about 28,000 women for 30 years. (Talk about commitment issues, am I right?) They found that women in their fifties with high levels of all three of these blood baddies were three times more likely to develop heart disease over the next 30 years. Three times, ladies! That's like tripling your chances of finding a good man who also does dishes – it's significant!

What's a Girl to Do?

  1. Get Tested: Next time you're at the doc, ask for the full panel. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it might just save your life.

  2. Move That Body: Exercise is like Botox for your heart. It keeps everything looking and functioning young.

  3. Eat Like a Mediterranean Goddess: Olive oil, fish, veggies – it's basically a spa day for your insides.

  4. Chill Out: Yoga, meditation, or just binge-watching your favorite show (in moderation, of course). Stress is so last season.

  5. Green Tea Time: It's like a magic potion for your blood vessels. Plus, it gives you an excuse to buy cute mugs.

Remember, ladies, taking care of your heart isn't just about looking good in that little black dress (though that's a fab bonus). It's about being around to embarrass your kids at their weddings, spoil your grandkids rotten, and maybe even catch the eye of that silver fox in the retirement community.

So let's raise a glass (of green tea, wink wink) to our hearts – may they keep beating strong, and may we always be young enough at heart to chase our dreams... and maybe a handsome jogger or two.

Stay fabulous, stay informed, and most importantly, stay heart-healthy!


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