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25 Healthy Habits to Create for A Lifetime Part 5

25 Healthy Habits to Create for A Life Time Part 5

#21 Keep a gratitude journal

Inspired from one of my coaches and Oprah. Buy a journal dedicated to writing 3 daily experiences you can be grateful for that occurred throughout the day, before you go to bed every night.

When you are grateful it’s difficult to be sad or angry and generally people who do this are much more happier and successful!

#22 Drink enough water

We don’t really know how much water we should drink as it varies from person to person. Some general recommendations have been half your weight in ounces. E.g. A 200 pound man should consume about 100 ounces of water and if you have a very active job, an athlete or spend a lot of time outdoors during the warmer months you may need more.

The National Health Service (NHS), Institute of Medicine and the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board have different recommendations for daily water intake.

#23 Practice meditation

Meditation is a practice of training the mind to be still. It can reduces stress, anxiety and even promote kindness.

There are different types check them out here to see what works for you.

#24 Swap out bad fats for healthy fats

Fats taste great, help you feel full and satisfied and give flavor but did you know that your brain thrives on a fat-rich diet? They also insulate us, protect our vital organs and act as messengers to help protein do their job. Some vitamins require fat such as Vitamins A, D, E, & K in order to dissolve in your bloodstream and provide nutrients.

Not all fats are created equal. Avoid trans fats! Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are toxic and hazardous to your health. Studies also indicate that trans fats increase inflammation. This deadly fat is found in:

  • Fried foods (doughnut, French fries, deep-fried fast foods)

  • Vegetable shortening

  • Margarine (stick and tub)

  • Processed snack foods (microwave popcorn, crackers)

  • Baked goods (cakes, cookies, pastries)

Choose healthier fats

  • Avocado oil

  • Olive oil

  • Grass fed butter

  • Coconut oil

#25 Eat enough protein

Protein is essential for almost every cell in the body. It’s important for building muscle, regulating metabolism, healthy joints, skin, nails, ligaments, tendons and even important for neurotransmitters which are responsible for sleep and mood.

The amount of protein required can be contentious. The Paleo, Keto, Vegan, and Atkin community will agree that protein is essential for a healthy body but not in the amount required.

The keto diet protein requirement varies from 20-35% of your caloric intake, while the RDA is 0.8g/kg or 0.36 g/lb and Atkins guidelines are 4 to 6 ounces at each meal and higher for men, 8 ounces.

Another common recommendation for gaining muscle is consuming 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, or 2.2 grams of protein per kg. Other researchers have estimated the protein needs to be a minimum of 0.7 grams per pound, or 1.6 grams per kg.

There are variables also if you weigh 200 pounds and your desired weight is 150 pounds, your calculated protein is 1 g per pound.

So how much should you consume?? That depends on your age, gender, physical activity, desired weight and overall health. The International Protein Board has great guidelines and have seen promising results in the field of geriatrics with quality of life. Check out this link to determine your protein needs.

If you missed our first 5 check them out here:



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