Hi !
Welcome to Day 7 of the #KetoLifestyleForWomen Challenge! You did it!! If you're opening this email, you've made it to the LAST DAY of the challenge! I always get a little sad at the end but I am way more PROUD of you for making it this far!! I knew you could do it!
You have successfully proven to yourself that adding 10 minutes a day of learning and applying some of the strategies to live a keto lifestyle can and will be done. What if you started to make it a habit to learn every day some simple strategies that could actually lead to long term health and really transform your health?
With a larger toolbox (you learned a few things during these 7 days) but oh my there is so much more! Imagine really leveraging the keto lifestyle the lady way to release food addiction, negative body image, pain, and letting go of the unwanted weight to really live your life with intention and be the best version of you? Doesn't that sound pretty awesome!? Oh, yes IT IS! But lets finish up DAY 7 first.
If you happened to miss the past week, here are the links:
These links are going away within the next week! So make sure you've watched and reviewed them all!!
Here is the handout for day 7.
Click on the link below to access Day 7 of the challenge:
We are down to the last day and choosing a winner will be tough so keep doing the following:
Take a photo or video of what has inspired you about today's challenge Which one was your AHA moment for today? What was the one self care strategy that stood out for you? Let me know.
Post it to your instagram wall so I can hear what came up for you on Day 7
Hashtag #KetoLifestyleForWomen and #DrLindaMarquez and tag me @DrLindamarquez and make sure you are following me and a like on our facebook page would be awesome too!
I hope you awesome ladies enjoy Day 7! Remember, head over to the challenge page HERE to access the video and explanation.
In Gratitude, Service & Love
Dr. Linda
P.S. Tune if for the Instagram LIVE happening TODAY at 3 pm PST!! If you have questions, now is teh time to ask them and hearing your feed back is always a plus!
P.P.S. We have a Keto Lifesytle for Women Program that is just hours away from being launched! A health transformational program the lady way!!!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.
The suggestions are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice. Always consult your physician or healthcare professional, before implementing any new physical activity or dietary changes, especially if you’re pregnant or nursing, elderly, have chronic or recurring conditions.
The author does not warrant that the information provided is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions or for any special or consequential damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information provided.