Welcome To Sacred Space Hypnosis
What is Hypnotherapy and why does it work?
Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to bring you in to a deeply relaxed state where you can work on the goals that are most important to you. Your subconscious mind. That is where your beliefs, emotions, habits, values, protective reactions, imagination and intuition all reside.
Hypnotherapy works because when we are relaxed and feeling safe we become open to suggestion.
Hypnosis is a process that produces increased awareness of the unconscious mind, heightened sense of suggestibility, and deep relaxation to access the subconscious mind without resistance. This allows for brain wave state shifts to take place to promote wellness and recovery. Hypnotherapy does not access willpower but has the amazing ability to utilize the power of imagination and effect a change in reality by accessing the subconscious mind.
According to research, 95% of the time our life is controlled by the subconscious mind. We use our conscious mind, where our desires and aspirations reside, only 5% of the time. Therefore, no matter what thoughts or feelings we want to have, if our subconscious mind is programmed to think or feel differently, you will not be able to change them.
The most effective way to reach your subconscious mind is by relaxing into a deeper state of mind where you can effectively become aware of these beliefs and make changes to your subconscious blueprint.
Hypnotherapy Can Help
Release Negative Habits
Loss of loved one
Change Your Past Stories
Weight Loss
Stop Smoking
Overating Eating
Self Defeating Behaviors
Live a life with purpose
Reach Goals
Great Relationships
Career Success
Meet Your Therapist

Schedule your appointment with Rikki Gahr at sacredspacehypnosis.love@gmail.com or for quicker response text to 928-732-4876.